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How to Modify for an Imperfect Arch

How to Modify for an Imperfect Arch

How to Modify for an Imperfect Arch

If you have determined that your window is an imperfect arch, you are still able to use our Original Arch Shades. Simply modifications need to be done to get the shade to work for you.

To determine if your window is a perfect arch, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the width (A) and the height (B) to the nearest 1/4” from the inside of the window casing
  2. If the width (A) is exactly double the height (B) you have a perfect arch window

If your window does not meet these standards, then you have an imperfect arch and will need to follow the rest of the steps listed here:

To determine where to cut, take your width (A) and height (B) and compare half of A to B. If half of A is larger than B, trim at the original width measurement. If B is larger than half of A, trim at 2x the width measurement.

Example: If your window is 30” wide and 14” tall, trim the shade at the 30” mark on the cutting guide. If your window is 30” wide and 16” tall, trim the shade at the 32” mark on the cutting guide.

We trim at the larger of the two measurements to allow for room to work with when trimming off excess whether your window is taller or wider than a perfect arch.

With the initial cut made, fan the shade open in the window. DO NOT adhere the shade. With a pencil or pen, trace the curvature of the arch on the excess material.

This traced line will allow you to cut off the excess at the top or sides of your shade to make for a perfect fit in your imperfect arch window.

Example: For this window, half the base is slightly larger than the height. We would trace the curvature of the top of the window to trim the slight excess at the top of the shade.

Remove the traced shade from the window. Using a pair of sharp scissors, cut along the line you made to remove the excess material.

Once the shade has been trimmed, place the shade in the window to ensure it is properly trimmed. Then, install the shade as you would for an Original Arch.