Work From Home Tips
Transitioning from being in an office all the time to working from your home is a big change and can take some time to get used to. So if you’ve never worked from home before, checkout these work from home tips to help you get started!
Dressing Up
For some getting dressed up helps with productivity, where for others workout clothes or PJ’s are more comfortable and that helps them instead.

Keep a routine going. Start your morning with a few stretches or a workout, a cup of coffee, then enjoy some breakfast, and you can move on to starting work.
Clear Space From Others
Make sure to clear a space away from everyone else in the house. That could be your own office or a makeshift office.
Original Shades
Have your office all set up but sunlight is just smacking you in the face through the windows? Original Shades are a perfect solution! They look great and are way cheaper than high end shades.
It’s important to take breaks. Make sure to give yourself one every hour and get up and move around the house a bit.
Must Haves
Don’t forget all your must haves for your new temporary office. Gather all the equipment and anything else you may need.
It can be hard to go from working with your co-workers in the office to virtually working with them. Make sure to keep in contact and keep up with any projects you are working together on.
Regular Schedule
Try to maintain your regular scheduled hours. Although working from home presents some extra flexibility, make sure to work the same hours. If you work late, wake up a little later the next morning. If you start early, finish the day a little earlier.
When you work from home, you don’t think about going outside as much and sometimes can get wrapped around the computer all day. Take some of your breaks outside enjoying some fresh air. After work is done, enjoy some outdoor activity.
Work-Life Balance
When your work day is done, have something set up to do afterwards. You’ll want to make sure to keep a good work-life balance.