10 Tips For Better Sleep
10 Tips For Better Sleep
New year, new YOU! January was a trial month – February is the month to truly get into those new routines and better habits you set as your resolutions. If getting a better night’s sleep was one of your New Year’s resolutions, check out these 10 sleep tips.
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TIP 1: DECIDE ON A SET BEDTIMEWe’re all busy and we know that it’s not always practical to go to bed at the exact time every day. So, rather than aiming for an exact time, aim for a window of time to give yourself a little bit of wiggle room. We’re creatures of habit; consistency is key for our bodies to be able to go to bed around the same time frame. It is recommended that adults get at least seven hours of sleep each night; so, make sure to plan your bedtime window accordingly. |
TIP 2: PUT AWAY THE ELECTRONICSScreened devices like our phones, tablets, and laptops emit blue light which can disrupt your natural sleep pattern. Aim to put your devices away one to two hours before you plan on going to bed. Set your alarms and then put your phone on Do Not Disturb or silence it so that you’re not tempted to keep scrolling. Tech tip: If you have an iPhone, they have a bedtime feature that you can set to automatically put your phone on silent and DND at the same time every day. It also has the ability to end at a certain time so you won’t have to worry about it once you wake up. |
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TIP 3: GET BLACKOUT SHADESOur blackout shades block out 99% of light. Light control is vital for good sleep hygiene and promotes a better sleeping environment. The darker your room the better it is for sleep. Don’t forget to turn off your lights and screens to keep your room dark while you’re asleep. Check out our blackout shades here. |
TIP 4: TAKE A WARM BATH OR HOT SHOWERThe warmth from a hot bath or warm shower helps to promote rest. The heat from your bath helps to lower your body temperature, which normally occurs one to two hours before your typical bedtime. Aim to take your bath or shower one to two hours before bed to help kickstart your body’s natural rhythm of sleep. |
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TIP 5 : PLAY SOME MUSICMusic has been proven to help lower cortisol levels (a hormone associated with stress) and increase oxytocin (a hormone associated with positive feelings). Relaxing, ambient music is the most recommended. We suggest either finding or creating specific playlists for sleep – many streaming services have plenty of pre-made sleep (or rest, relaxation, ambient, etc.) playlists that are perfect for this. |
TIP 6: STRETCHStretching has been proven to improve blood flow and relieve muscle tension, both which help to promote higher quality sleep. Aim to stretch for 30 minutes if possible to help promote relaxation and release tension within the body. Don’t forget your Redi Shades so you have all of the desired privacy while you’re stretching. |
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TIP 7: MEDITATEMeditation (aka mindfulness) is a great way to release stress and prepare the mind and body for sleep. It helps your mind focus on the present and signals to your body that you’re mentally preparing for sleep. There are tons of free apps and online videos with guided meditations that can help improve your sleep. Practice 5-10 minutes in bed to promote better sleep. |
TIP 8: READ A BOOKPop open a book and read a couple chapters before bed. One study showed that reading helped reduce stress by 68%. Why a decrease in stress? Reading a book puts our mind in the present and outside of our own thoughts, stress and other distractions. Try not to use a screen for reading, or use blue-light filtering glasses. (Be sure not to get too sucked into your reading though – you don’t want to stay up past your bedtime.) |
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TIP 9: REFLECT & JOURNALSimilar to meditation, journaling can help to fall asleep faster. One study found that journaling before bed decreases distractions, overthinking, and worry, allowing participants to fall asleep faster. This also will help you gather your thoughts from the day and can be used to plan for the next day. (Try not to do this on a screened device, or if you do, use blue-light filtering glasses!) |
TIP 10: SET YOUR ROOM TO A COOLER TEMPERATURETemperature control is key to being able to fall and stay asleep! Cooler temperatures help the body stay asleep. Sleep experts have agreed that 60-67 has shown to be the best range for ideal sleeping temperature. This can also save you some money on your energy bill – especially using our shades that help block unwanted heat and UV light out! |
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Try these 10 tips for a better night’s sleep out and thank us later. Have other tips that have worked for you? Let us know – we would love to hear from you!